Monday, January 31, 2011

Day II: A miserable bleary day

ho hum. today was more of a review day in the land of the bathroom book project.

You know, it was actually really pretty outside with the sun setting and the weather not too bad here.  I even got out of the house and went grocery shopping. I was very productive and did homework and ran around dealing with public school bureaucracy and everything.

But it was a difficult day emotionally. I don't know how to explain it, or if you really need to know. Let's just say that living with people is HARD, and trying to make sure everybody's needs and feelings are being dealt with takes a lot of work. And sometimes its easier to ignore and neglect one person because they are oh so nice and aren't the ones yelling and crying in your face constantly.

Marek is having a hard time at school. And we are trying to change his school for next year, but that is like pulling teeth with him. Change, it's what's for dinner, but he'd rather starve sometimes.

So bathroom book project got sidelined today. There was no quiet ",me" time today. Just a quick re-read of the prologue of Russell's autobiography. That man was more passionate about finding ecstasy and bliss and love and helping humankind's problems than he was about finding the mathematical and numerical truths. This coming from the coauthor of Principia Mathematica. Which I haven't read either. And isn't on the bathroom shelf. Maybe it should be.

I'm thinking I need to rename this project, or shorten it into a cool acronym or something, because frankly, bathroom book project is a little vivid. Suggestions?


  1. Principia Mathematica might be on our Kindle App...

  2. i think you should call it, "on the john" because... that's funnier. ;)

    winter is stupid, i have different problems but same feelings.
